Equador (side 1/2)

Viser nå: Equador - Postskatt-frimerker (1920 - 1961) - 87 frimerker.

[Postage Stamp of 1916 Overprinted "CASA-de-CORREOS", type A]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
1 A 1C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
["Timbre Patriotico" War Tax Stamp Overprinted "CASA - de - CORREOS", type B]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
2 B 1C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
["Timbre Fiscal" Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS", type C1] ["Timbre Fiscal" Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS", type C2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
3 C 1C - 0.82 0.27 - USD  Info
4 C1 20C - 1.09 0.54 - USD  Info
5 C2 20C - 4.36 0.82 - USD  Info
3‑5 - 6.27 1.63 - USD 
[Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS" & Surcharged, type D] [Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS" & Surcharged, type D1] [Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS" & Surcharged, type D2] [Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS" & Surcharged, type D3] [Revenue Stamps Overprinted "CASA de CORREOS" & Surcharged, type D4]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
6 D 1/2C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
7 D1 1/5C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
8 D2 1/5C - 5.45 0.82 - USD  Info
9 D3 20/1C - 32.68 4.36 - USD  Info
10 D4 20/2C - 32.68 4.36 - USD  Info
6‑10 - 71.89 10.08 - USD 
1920 Quito Post Office

VM: Ingen Perforering: 12

[Quito Post Office, type E] [Quito Post Office, type E1] [Quito Post Office, type E2] [Quito Post Office, type E3]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
11 E 1C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
12 E1 2C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
13 E2 2S - 10.90 4.36 - USD  Info
14 E3 5S - 16.34 6.54 - USD  Info
11‑14 - 27.78 11.44 - USD 
1923 Construction of Loja-Zamora Road

22. January VM: Ingen Perforering: Imperforated

Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
15 F 2C - 43.58 43.58 - USD  Info
1924 Quito Post Office

VM: Ingen Perforering: 12

[Quito Post Office, type E4]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
16 E4 20C - 1.09 0.27 - USD  Info
[Quito Post Office Stamp Surcharged in Green Colour, type E5]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
17 E5 2/20C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
1924 Tobacco Tax Stamps Overprinted "CASA-CORREOS"

VM: Ingen Perforering: 12 or Rouletted

[Tobacco Tax Stamps Overprinted "CASA-CORREOS", type H1] [Tobacco Tax Stamps Overprinted "CASA-CORREOS", type H2]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
18 H 1C - 4.36 4.36 - USD  Info
18A* H1 1C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
19 H2 2C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
18‑19 - 4.90 4.63 - USD 
[Telegraph Stamps Overprinted "CASA CORREOS", type I] [Telegraph Stamps Overprinted "CASA CORREOS", type I1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
20 I 1C - 2.72 0.82 - USD  Info
21 I1 2C - 0.82 0.27 - USD  Info
20‑21 - 3.54 1.09 - USD 
[Telegraph Stamps Overprinted "CASA CORREOS", type J] [Telegraph Stamps Overprinted "CASA CORREOS", type J1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
22 J 1C - 2.72 0.82 - USD  Info
23 J1 2C - 0.82 0.27 - USD  Info
22‑23 - 3.54 1.09 - USD 
[Revenue and Postage Stamp Overprinted "CASA de Correos y Telegrafos de Guayaquil" in Red Colour, type K] [Revenue and Postage Stamp Overprinted "CASA de Correos y Telegrafos de Guayaquil" in Red Colour, type K1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
24 K 2C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
25 K1 20C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
24‑25 - 0.54 0.54 - USD 
[Revenue Stamp Overprinted "CASA de Correos y Telegrafos de Guayaquil", type L] [Revenue Stamp Overprinted "CASA de Correos y Telegrafos de Guayaquil", type L1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
26 L 2/10C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
26a L1 2/10C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
[Postage Stamp of 1929 Overprinted "CASA de Correos y Teleg. de Guayaquil", type M] [Postage Stamp of 1929 Overprinted "CASA de Correos y Teleg. de Guayaquil", type M1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
27 M 2C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
27a M1 2C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Building of New Post and Telegraph Office - Watermarked, type N] [Building of New Post and Telegraph Office - Watermarked, type XN]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
28 N 2C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
29 XN 20C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
28‑29 - 0.54 0.54 - USD 
[Issue of 1935 Overprinted "3 ctvs- Seguro - Social - del - Campesino Quito, 16 de - Otbre. - 1935.", type O]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
30 O 3/2C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Tobacco Tax Stamp Overprinted "Seguro Social del Campesino", type P]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
31 P 3/1C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Tobacco Tax Stamp Overprinted "SEGURO SOCIAL DEL CAMPESINO", type Q]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
32 Q 3/1C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Postage Stamp of 1930 Overprinted "Casa de Correos - y Telegrafos - de Guayaquil", type R]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
33 R 20C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
1936 Social and Rural Workers' Insurance Fund

VM: Ingen Perforering: 13½ x 14

[Social and Rural Workers' Insurance Fund, type S]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
34 S 3C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Previously Issued Stamp Overprinted "5 Centavos - Dect. Junio - 13 de 1936", type T]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
35 T 5/3C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[National Defence - Tobacco Tax Stamp Overprinted "TIMBRE PATRIOTICO - DIEZ CENTAVOS", type U]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
36 U 10/1C/c - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
1937 National Defence

2. June VM: Ingen Perforering: 12½

[National Defence, type V]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
37 V 10C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
[National Defence Stamp Overprinted "POSTAL - ADICIONAL" & Surcharged, type V1]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
38 V1 5/10C - 0.82 0.27 - USD  Info
[National Defence - Tobacco Tax Stamps Overprinted "TIMBRE PATRIOTICO", type X]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
39 X 5C - 1.09 0.27 - USD  Info
40 X1 1S - 4.36 0.82 - USD  Info
39‑40 - 5.45 1.09 - USD 
1938 Map of Ecuador

VM: Ingen Perforering: 14 x 13½

[Map of Ecuador, type Y]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
41 Y 5C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Postage Stamp of 1930 Overprinted "CAMPANA-CONTRA-EL CANCER", type Z]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
42 Z 5/6C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Postage Stamps of 1936 Overprinted "CASA DE CORREOS Y TELEGRAFOS DE GUAYAQUIL" in Red Colour, type AA]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
43 AA 20/70C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
[Tobacco Tax Stamp Overprinted "POSTAL ADICIONAL CINCO CENTAVOS", type AB]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
44 AB 5/1C - 0.54 0.27 - USD  Info
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
45 AC 5/1C - 0.82 0.27 - USD  Info
[Postage Stamp of Overprinted "CASA DE CORREOS y TELEGRAFOS DE GUAYAQUIL", type AD]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
46 AD 20/50C - 0.27 0.27 - USD  Info
[Tobacco Tax Stamp Overprinted "TIMBRE PATRIOTICO-VEINTE CENTAVOS", type AE]
Nr. Type D tilstand Ubrukte Brukte Brev/FDC
47 AE 20/1C - 4.36 0.54 - USD  Info


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